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parse json in swift 5 I got no data

I'm trying to parse a json file in swift. Its body looks like that and I still receive no data! Can any one tell me how the structs should looks like? What am i missing?

This is the received json:

    "blocked_list": {
        "total": 2,
        "users": [
                "id": 49,
                "name": "fdewer12faasd",
                "profilePicture": "",
                "followStatus": 0

This is the json parsing code:

func parseJSON(_ blockdata: Data) -> CurrentUserBlockListModel? {
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    do {
        let decodedData = try decoder.decode(CurrentUserBlockList.self, from: blockdata)
        let usersArray = decodedData.users
        let count = decodedData.total
        let blockModel = CurrentUserBlockListModel(users: usersArray,total:count)
        return blockModel
    } catch {
        print("error ")
        return nil

These are my structs:

struct CurrentUserBlockList : Codable  {
    let total : Int?
    let users : [users]

struct users : Codable {
    let followStatus : Int?
    let id : Int?
    let name : String?
    let profilePicture : String?

The object you are trying to decode is wrongly defined.

If use your Parsing Code , make new Struct

struct SolutionObject: Codable {
  let blocked_list: CurrentUserBlockList

struct CurrentUserBlockList : Codable  {
    let total : Int?
    let users : [users]

struct users : Codable {
    let followStatus : Int?
    let id : Int?
    let name : String?
    let profilePicture : String?

And change your parsing Code

CurrentUserBlockList --> SolutionObject

func parseJSON(_ blockdata: Data) -> CurrentUserBlockListModel? {
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    do {
        let decodedData = try decoder.decode(SolutionObject.self, from: blockdata)
        let usersArray: [users] = decodedData.blocked_list.users
        let count: Int? = decodedData.blocked_list.total
        guard let count = count else {
          return nil

        let blockModel = CurrentUserBlockListModel(users: usersArray, total: count)
        return blockModel
    } catch {
        return nil

JSON is basically made of key and value pairs.


Use the Optional Carefully.

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