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How do I pass a ulong type argument to a C# function from Python?

From Python, I am calling a C# function which is in a dll. This is done by "python.net". Most of the functions can be called correctly in Python. However, there is one function I have a problem because of data type on the argument.

In C#, there is a function, that takes an unsigned long type:

bool SetValueAsInt64U(ulong rValue);

In Python, I am calling it with


This gives the error message: TypeError: No method matches given arguments for SetValueAsInt64U:(<class 'int'>)

I also tried to use the ctypes, and call the function like:


This gives a similar error: TypeError: No method matches given arguments for SetValueAsInt64U: (<class 'ctypes.c_ulong'>)

For more information, I am showing a correct call. In C#, there is another function with signed argument:

bool SetValueAsInt64(long rValue)

In Python, I can call the function without any error message, for example:


So the question is how can I call the C# function with the unsigned type of argument from Python?

在这种情况下,我要做的就是重载该方法以接受 int 参数,如果达到最大 int 范围 2,147,483,647,python 会将其解析为 ulong。

Use numpy.

import numpy as np


This approach does not need to change C# code. It is a solution in Python code.

The numpy data types are: https://numpy.org/devdocs/user/basics.types.html

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