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How to convert String to string set in java

I have a method with return type as string below is the string which is getting retrieved how should in convert this string to setso that i can iterate through the String set.


If i try to split using String[] the result is not expected i have to get these individual values like date:@value2 and have to split this to complete the rest of my logic.

How to convert the above string to below string set

Set<String> columnmapping = new HashSet<String>();

I use Apache Commons for string manipulation. Following code helps.

String substringBetween = StringUtils.substringBetween(str, "[", "]").replaceAll("\"", ""); // get rid of bracket and quotes
String[] csv = StringUtils.split(substringBetween,","); // split by comma
Set<String> columnmapping  = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(csv));

In addition to the accepted answer there are many options to make it in "a single line" with standards Java Streams (assuming Java >= 8) and without any external dependencies, for example:

String s =
Set<String> strings = Arrays.asList(s.split(",")).stream()
                            .map(s -> s.replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""))

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