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Capture the entire text string and convert it to asterisks

I have the following code which generates a type of style that hides part of a text in asterisks.

  transform(value: string): string {
    return value 
      ? value.replace(/\B\w+@/g, (c, ) => c.split('').slice(0, -1).map(v => '*').join('') + '@') 
      : value;

The result is this example image:


What I would like to do is to be able to mask also the first letter and that everything remains in aterisks except the mail, for example: *****@email.com

Try regex /.+?(?=@)/g

var emailRegex = /.+?(?=@)/g;
var email = 'test@email.com';
var text = email.match(emailRegex)[0];
email = email.replace(emailRegex, '*'.repeat(text.length));

Replace following


with just


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