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How often does xy occur in a line of a txt file? In Python

I am provided with a txt file including lots of different letters. eg:

ab sbfdjd iojdig
ds fjk   sdfji oer
lkjäp   foküeeferf

How can I check how often for example the letter "j" was used in line 1, line 2 and line 3 and store this information in an array/list?

So for this certain example


would output:

seekLetter = "j"
occur = {}

with open("{your filename}", "r") as file:
    for nbLine,line in enumerate(file):
        occur[nbLine] = line.count(seekLetter)

for line in occur.keys():
    print("line {0} : ".format(line) + str(occur[line]) + seekLetter)

you can do it more easily with a dictionary

Try this

def NumberOfStringInLine(index, string_to_find):
    print(string_to_find, lines_of_file[index])
    return lines_of_file[index].count(string_to_find)

def NumberOfJInLine(index):
    return NumberOfStringInLine(index, "j")

lines_of_file = open("text.txt", "r").readlines()
print(NumberOfStringInLine(0, "jd"))

You don't need the other function I added but it adds flexibility.


def AccumulateAppearances():
    with open("text.txt", "r") as file:
        for line in file:
            yield line.count("j")

for n in AccumulateAppearances():

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