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Read txt file directly from web in Python

Is there a straightforward way to read txt file directly from web in Python? This is simple in R, if you want to read a table, you just specify the URL location, eg:

dat = read.csv(<URL/file.csv>)

You can read a CSV file via URL in Python using requests module then use csv module with either csv.reader() or csv.DictReader() to parse each row of the CSV file.


import csv
import io
import requests
url = 'https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_hour.csv'
r = requests.get(url)
buff = io.StringIO(r.text)
dr = csv.DictReader(buff)
for row in dr:
    print(row['time'], row['mag'], row['place'])

This prints out the time, mag and place fields of the CSV file.

2020-10-05T16:34:52.160Z 1.41 11km ENE of Ridgecrest, CA
2020-10-05T16:29:26.070Z 2.39 16km WSW of Toms Place, CA
2020-10-05T16:24:08.860Z 2.42 1 km SSE of Pāhala, Hawaii

You can also use pandas to parse the CSV data.

Here is an example of loading csv file using requests library:

import pandas as pd 
import requests
import io

# load file
data = requests.get('<<URL/file.csv>>').content

# decode data
data = data.decode('utf-8')

# load data into dataframe, optionally separator can be specified using sep="," or sep=";"
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data))

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