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How to convert string to array in react js?

I have a JSON object that I cannot handle without Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1 .

So i made a string out of it var array = JSON.stringify(this.props.user);

Now that string has the format I neet to loop through it / to use map function BUT it is a string . How can I bring this string into an valid array to be able to loop through it?

What I have as JSON object (copied from Chrome, typeof(..) returns object):

avatar: "/media/dog_default_l.png"
birthday: "2020-09-14"
user_settings: ["P26"]
name: "Huso"
gesellig: true
verspielt: true
__proto__: Object
avatar: "/media/dog_default_l.png"
birthday: "2012-04-24"
user_settings: (2) ["A9", "B5"]
name: "Medo"
gesellig: true
verspielt: false
__proto__: Object
length: 2
__proto__: Array(0)

This object as string (copied from console.log):


What I need is an array (to be able to loop through):

users: [
        { avatar: '/media/dog_default_l.png',
          birthday: '2020-09-14',
          name: 'Huso',
          gesellig: true,
          verspielt: true,
          user_settings: [
            {settings: 'P26'},
        { avatar: '/media/dog_default_l.png',
          birthday: '2012-04-24',
          name: 'Medo',
          gesellig: true,
          verspielt: false,
          user_settings: [
            {settings: 'A9'},
            {settings: 'B5'},

Object.entries, Object.keys etc. on the JSON object return or {} or nothing. I don't know if there is a way of getting this object looped? I'm really stuck and hope someone has a solution that works. This question is related to How to map JSON response object with nested array to state since nobody answers there.

You already have an array of objects. typeof the variable is returning Object because Arrays are Objects.

So you can do whatever you want with the array like map , filter , etc.

I've figured out that the JSON is already valid, I was just too confused and irritated by the errors with different usages of Object.keys etc.!

I've solved the issue with:

const arr = Object.entries(this.props.user);
const mapped = [];
arr.forEach(([key, value]) => mapped.push(value));

This way I am cutting out the {} entries inside the object and saving them to an array, with which I can map and render the data inside as follows:




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