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How to find the time of newly created/altered columns of an existing table?

I am working on a project in amazon redshift and I need to find the data for the below 3 points.

  1. Created time of a table across all schemas
  2. Owner/user of the table created
  3. Plus, time and any schema changes of an existing table [that underwent newly created/altered columns].

I was managed to solve #1 and #2 using system tables pg_class_info & pg_namespace [for #1] and pg_tables [for #2] but stuck with point #3. Can someone help me figure out ways to achieve the #3? Please help .

Note: Any better suggestions for #1 and #2 is also welcomed.

For the third requirement, there is not a direct answer On the other hand by querying the system view STL_QUERY you might find what you are looking for

Here is the sample query

userid, starttime, querytxt 
where querytxt like '%alter%table%'
limit 10;

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