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Unable to install Requests module in python2.7 (Kali linux) as it keeps appearing in python3 library

I am using kali linux and is trying to import a module called requests to run an exploit. ( https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47138 ) if you want to know more about the exploit. when i try to run the following command

sudo pip install requests

i kept getting this result

Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (2.23.0)

this cant work at all as i requires the Requests module to be in python2.

How can i get it installed?

您应该使用此命令,它将确保您正在为 python2 安装模块:

python2 -m pip install --user --upgrade requests

You could use the following command:

sudo pip2.7 install requests

(Assuming that you have Python 2.7. If you have a different version, swap out the version number)

pip install <package> -t <directory>

-t specifies the target directory where you want your package to be installed

So in your case you can do pip install requests -t "C:\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packages" (This is where my site-packages folder is.)

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