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Filter an array of objects based on multiple conditions in typeScript

Hi team I have an array of objects like

data = [
  { name: "Pork", category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" },
  { name: "Pepper", category: "Food", subcategory: "Vegetables" },
  { name: "Beef", category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" },
  { name: "banana", category: "Food", subcategory: "Fruit" }

Here i need to filter the data array based on the filter condition


I can do this simply using process() in Kendo like

kendo.data.Query.process(data, {
  filter: {
    logic: "and",
    filters: [{
      field: "subcategory",
      value: "Meat",
      operator: "eq"

So is there any other way to filter like this without using process() ?

This approach takes a filters object which contains an array and a logic part as quantifier for the conditions.

The array can contain other objects with filters quantifier as logic or an object with the constraints for a single property which have to match an item of the given data array.

Actually only one operator is implemented.

 const operators = { eq: (a, b) => a === b }, quantifiers = { and: 'every', or: 'some' }, filter = ({ filters, logic }) => item => filters[quantifiers[logic]](f => 'filters' in f ? filter(f)(item) : operators[f.operator](item[f.field], f.value) ), filters = { filters: [{ filters: [{ field: "subcategory", operator: "eq", value: "Vegetables" }], logic: "or" }, { filters: [{ field: "name", operator: "eq", value: "Pepper" }, { field: "name", operator: "eq", value: "banana" }], logic: "or" }], logic: "and" }, data = [{ name: "Pork", category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" }, { name: "Pepper", category: "Food", subcategory: "Vegetables" }, { name: "Beef", category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" }, { name: "banana", category: "Food", subcategory: "Fruit" }], result = data.filter(filter(filters)); console.log(result);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

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