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I cant understand what's wrong with my python code

The part with the goblin works but the part with the elf doesn't.

#importing the random module
import random

#creating the game object class
class GameObject:
    class_name = ""
    desc = ""
    objects = {}

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        GameObject.objects[self.class_name] = self
    #defining the description 
    def get_desc(self):
        return self.class_name + "\n" + self.desc

#creating the goblin class
class Goblin(GameObject):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.class_name = "goblin"
        self.health = 3
        self._desc = "A foul creature"

    def desc(self):
        if self.health >= 3:
            return self._desc
        elif self.health == 2:
            x = random.randint(13, 35)
            health_line = "You struck and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
        elif self.health == 1:
            y = 40 - random.randint(13, 35)
            health_line = "You rushed and dealt " +str(y) + " damage! \n Goblin activated effect Rage!"
        elif self.health <= 0:
            health_line = "It is dead."
        return self._desc + "\n" + health_line

    def desc(self, value):
        self._desc = value
#creating the goblin object
goblin = Goblin("Gobbly")
#creating the elf class
class Elf(GameObject):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.class_name = "Elf"
        self.health = 5
        self._desc = "A strong warlock"
    def desc(self):
        if self.health >= 5:
            return self._desc
        elif self.health == 4:
            x = random.randint(20, 50)
            health_line = " You struck and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
        elif self.health == 3:
            x = random.randint(20, 40)
            health_line = " You countered and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
        elif self.health == 2:
            y = 40 - random.randint(20, 50)
            health_line = "You rushed and dealt " +str(y) + " damage! \n Elf activated effect Sectum Sempra!!"
        elif self.health == 1:
            y = 40 - random.randint(20, 50)
            health_line = " You struck and dealt " + str(x) + " damage!"
        elif self.health <= 0:
            health_line = "It is dead."
        return self._desc + "\n" + health_line

    def desc(self, value):
        self._desc = value

#creating an elf object
elf = Elf("Elfy")

#defining the hit verb
def hit(noun):
    if noun in GameObject.objects:
        thing = GameObject.objects[noun]
        if type(thing) == Goblin:
            thing.health -= 1
            if thing.health <= 0:
                msg = "You killed the goblin!"
                msg = "You hit the {}".format(thing.class_name)
        elif type(thing) == Elf:
            thing.health -= 1
            if thing.health <= 0:
                msg = "You killed the elf!"
                msg = "You hit the {}".format(thing.class_name)
        msg = "There is no {} here.".format(noun)
    return msg

#defining the examine verb
def examine(noun):
    if noun in GameObject.objects:
        return GameObject.objects[noun].get_desc()
        return "There is no {} here.".format(noun)

#getting input
def get_input():
    command = input(": ").split()
    verb_word = command[0]
    if verb_word in verb_dict:
        verb = verb_dict[verb_word]
        print("Unknown verb {}".format(verb_word))

    if len(command) >= 2:
        noun_word = command[1]

#defining the say verb
def say(noun):
    return 'You said "{}"'.format(noun)

#the verbs
verb_dict = {
    "say": say,
    "examine": examine,
    "hit": hit

while True:

It's supposed to say |you hit the elf| when I type |hit elf|like how it says |you hit the goblin| when I type |hit goblin|

I just started learning oop in python and some parts are confusing. If anyone understands, please help me fix the code.

At first elif refers to else if , that simply means that if statement is activated then the elif statement gets skipped . So try replacing elif with if . If problem still continues , reply.

I don't see that you need to check the type of the object here:

def hit(noun):
    if noun in GameObject.objects:
        thing = GameObject.objects[noun]
        thing.health -= 1
        if thing.health <= 0:
            msg = "You killed the {}!".format(thing.class_name.lower())
            msg = "You hit the {}".format(thing.class_name)
        msg = "There is no {} here.".format(noun)
    return msg

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