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how to convert single quotes list with double quotes list

I have a predefined list with single quotes and I want double quotes in each element.

for example, this is my predefined list

l = ['A','b']

the output I needed as the list only

l = ["A","b"]

I am trying with json but it is giving list as a string but I want list.

import json
l = ['A','b']
output = json.dumps(l)

There is no difference in your case. Try to print l :

l_double = ["A","b"]

l_single = ['A','b']




['A', 'b']
['A', 'b']

In case you really want double quotes around you list items, try something like this:

l = ['A','b']

l_real_double = [f'"{c}"' for c in l]


which prints

['"A"', '"b"']
L = ['A', 'B', 'C']
print('[', end='') #just to print the opening third bracket [
for i in range(len(L)): #the variable i will assume the values from 0 to length of L - 1 i.e. the indices of the elements
    print('"' + L[i] + '"', end='') #display a double quote and the string inside it
    if i < len(L)-1:
        print(',', end=' ') #if i is not the index of the last element then display a comma after it
print(']') #just to print the closing third bracket ]

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