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How to remove comma in a string while writing into csv file with comma separator in java

I am working on a java project. I have to retain a comma separator from my parsed string "," and still should be able to write into csv file. currently my csv file values are separated with comma (",") in it. because of this, if I have comma in a string its divided into two string on csv


input string: "Animal","Stand","Earth","owner,jeff"

my current output: (which is incorrect )


Expected output:


I have the logic in place for writing things into csv, I just need the string to be manipulated in a such way it should in corporate the ",". how to achieve this?

here is my code:

 private static void Addrow(String Animals, String Posture, String pl.net,String owner) throws IOException { String csv_write = csv_file_to_write; CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(csv_write, true)); String [] record = (Animals+","+Posture+","+pl.net+","+owner).split(","); writer.writeNext(record); writer.close(); }

One way to tackle that would be to split it at \",\" and for the first entry remove the " at the beginning and for the last entry remove the " at the end. You will then be left with the list of strings Animal , Stand , Earth , Owner,Jeff and so on...

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