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Import specific text from a file to list in Python

I have a text file which looks like:

line A
line B
line C
line D


line E
line F
line G

I want to import numbers under the word "objective" into a Python list.

Challenges: The number of lines (with numbers) under the line with "objective" need not be the same. It varies from file to file. I am trying to develop a generic code. So the stop condition must be based on a blank line under the numbers.

My idea: I was able to access the line "objective" with the code if line.startswith("objective") But to access the lines below until you find a blank line seems challenging.

Can you please help me with this?

Thank you very much.

One way to do this would be to have a flag indicating whether or not the word "objective" has been seen.

Something like this:

res = []
objective_seen = False
with open(filename) as fh:
    for line in fh:
        if objective_seen:
            if line:
            else:  # blank line
        else:  # objective not yet seen
            if line.startswith('objective'):
                objective_seen = True

Another way would be to have two loops, one to process the file up to "objective", the other to process the rest:

res = []
with open(filename) as fh:
    for line in fh:
        if line.startswith('objective'):
        raise ValueError('No "objective" section in file')

    for line in fh:
        if line:

Here is my proposition:

  • Read the file into a list
  • save each lines from "Objective" to the last line into a new list numbers
  • take away the 0th elements and all the elements from the first empty '' elements to the end.

What will be left are the numbers you need.

Here is my implem

def main():
    #read file 
    g = open(r"test.txt")
    # read all lines
    lst= g.readlines();
    numbers = []
    # at the beginning no number is found

    # flag to track if we shall save or not in the list
    start_saving = False
    # a loop to save all from objective to the end
    for l in lst:
       if ("objective" in l):
            start_saving= True
       if (start_saving):

    # here we  obtain an array containing all elements from Objective to the end
    # ['objective', '8.5770822e+000', '3762931e+000', '0996787e+000', '0070925e+000', '0003053e+000', '9999994e+000', '', 'line E', 'line F', 'line G']
    # i will now strip away all elements of index 0 ("Objective") and from the first empty index (the first line containing nothing)
    # only keep elements from 1st to the first element not empty
    numbers = numbers[1:numbers.index('')]
    print numbers
    # display : ['8.5770822e+000', '3762931e+000', '0996787e+000', '0070925e+000', '0003053e+000', '9999994e+000']

if __name__ == '__main__':

This outputs:

['8.5770822e+000', '3762931e+000', '0996787e+000', '0070925e+000', '0003053e+000', '9999994e+000']

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