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Unqlite python how to search collection for value that matches requirement

We are to search collection and find businesses in the county from countyToSearch. Save the name, full address, county and state to saveLocation1

How it is currently is not correct. I dont really understand the filter()

def FindBusinessBasedOnCounty(countyToSearch, saveLocation1, collection):

    c = collection.filter(lambda user: user['county'] == countyToSearch)
    f = open(saveLocation1, 'w')
    for bus in c:
       f.write(bus["Name"] + "$" + bus["FullAddress"] + "$" + bus["County"] + "$" + bus["State"] + "\n")

edit: I want the result to be the rows in database, where the countyname is equal to countyToSearch.

I do not see you collection example, but what I see is :

  1. filter should be used as:

     c = filter(lambda user: user['county'] == countyToSearch, collection)
  2. you have uppercase County and lower case county .

  3. In addition, you have to use with open(..) and not open() ... close()

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