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Why does changing dispatcher in catch block throw VerifyError

I want to understand why this exception is thrown when I use withContext() with Dispatchers.Main or Dispatchers.IO in catch block.

Here's my code:

init {

    viewModelScope.launch {
        try {
            throw RuntimeException("whatever")
        } catch (e: Exception){
            withContext(Dispatchers.MAIN) {

This code throws java.lang.VerifyError

Verifier rejected class xx.xxxx.ErrorViewModel: java.lang.Object 
  failed to verify: java.lang.Object
      [0x3D] register v4 has type Reference: java.lang.Exception but expected 
      Precise Reference: kotlin.jvm.internal.Ref$ObjectRef 
      (declaration of 'xx.xxxx.ErrorViewModel$1' appears in 

You should never see a VerifyError; this probably indicates a bug in the compiler.

I'd suggest raising an issue on the JetBrains YouTrack site.

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