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Wpf Multiple nested Usercontrols with MvvmCross

I'm pretty new in MvvmCross but I'm working with mvvm for awhile. I know how to compose usercontrols with nested usercontrols. Now with mvvmcross I got stucked to show two or more usercontrols in another usercontrol. I don't use any other framework than MvvmCross . My Rootview looks like this:

    d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800">

        <TextBlock Text="Root" DockPanel.Dock="Top"/>
        <ContentControl x:Name="MainMenuVM" Content="{Binding MainMenuVM}" DockPanel.Dock="Top" />

The corresponding ViewModel looks like this:

using MvvmCross.Commands;
using MvvmCross.Logging;
using MvvmCross.Navigation;
using MvvmCross.ViewModels;

namespace MvvmCrossTest.Core.ViewModels
    public class RootViewModel: MvxNavigationViewModel
        private readonly IMvxViewModelLoader _mvxViewModelLoader;
        public RootViewModel(IMvxLogProvider logProvider, IMvxNavigationService navigationService, IMvxViewModelLoader mvxViewModelLoader) : base(logProvider, navigationService)
            _mvxViewModelLoader = mvxViewModelLoader;

        private MainMenuViewModel _mainMenuVM;

        public MainMenuViewModel MainMenuVM
            get { return _mainMenuVM; }
                SetProperty(ref _mainMenuVM, value);
                RaisePropertyChanged(() => MainMenuVM);

         public MvxCommand ShowMainMenuCommand { get; set; }

        public void ShowMainMenu()
            MainMenuVM = (MainMenuViewModel)_mvxViewModelLoader.LoadViewModel(MvxViewModelRequest.GetDefaultRequest(typeof(MainMenuViewModel)), null, null);

The simplified View I want to show in the contentcontrol looks like this:

    d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800">

And also the corresponding ViewModel.

using MvvmCross.Logging;
using MvvmCross.Navigation;
using MvvmCross.ViewModels;

namespace MvvmCrossTest.Core.ViewModels
    public class MainMenuViewModel : MvxNavigationViewModel
        public MainMenuViewModel(IMvxLogProvider logProvider, IMvxNavigationService navigationService) : base(logProvider, navigationService)


Instead of the View/ViewModel I see a text that says "MvvmCrossTest.Core.ViewModels.MainMenuViewModel".

I don't want to use Xamarin!

it seems that MvvmCross is wiring up Views and ViewModels automatically

I know nothing about MvvmCross, but for "automatically" to work there should be an agreement and rules, eg attributes or matching names (xViewModel <-> xView). Currently there is nothing I can see what connects MainMenuViewModel with views:MvxWpfView .

Anyway what you see

I see a text that says "MvvmCrossTest.Core.ViewModels.MainMenuViewModel"

is the view trying to visualize non-control as text due to missing data template.

It's easy to fix by just adding data template

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MainMenuViewModel}">
    <views:MvxWpfView />

somewhere (eg into views:MvxWpfView.Resources ) and the view will be displayed.

I created a project where I show you some basics.


You can find the samples here .

the RootView ;

<views:MvxWpfView xmlns:local="clr-namespace:SomeProject.Views" ...>
           <Label Content="Hello from RootView" />
           <local:NestedView />    

the NestedView ;

<views:MvxWpfView ...>
           <Label Content="Hello from NestedView" />  

extended (custom presenter)

With this custom wpf presenter you can easily navigate to views while specified themn in a container. With that, you can close and open views from the view model while using the mvvmcross navigation service.

I copied this from another project . You can find the whole implementation in my sample project here .

the RootView ;

<views:MvxWpfView ...>
           <Label Content="Hello" />
           <ItemsControl region:MvxContainer.Id="RootViewRegion"/>    

the RootView code behind;

[MvxContentPagePresentation(WrapInNavigationPage = true, NoHistory = false)]
public partial class RootView: MvxWpfView<RootViewModel>
     public RootView()

the RootViewModel ;

public class RootViewModel: MvxNavigationViewModel
      private readonly IMvxNavigationService _navigationService;

      public IMvxAsyncCommand ShowNestedViewModelCommand { get; protected set; }

      public RootViewModel(IMvxLogProvider logProvider, IMvxNavigationService navigationService) : base(logProvider, navigationService)
            this._navigationService = navigationService;
            // navigate to nested view
            this.ShowNestedViewModelCommand = new MvxAsyncCommand(() => this._navigationService.Navigate<NestedViewModel>());


the NestedView code behind;

[MvxWpfPresenter("RootViewRegion", mvxViewPosition.NewOrExsist)]
public partial class NestedView : MvxWpfView<NestedViewModel>
    public NestedView()

good to know

when you have problems with navigation and view model connection use this code behind. It loads the viewmodel for the specific view;

[MvxContentPagePresentation(WrapInNavigationPage = true, NoHistory = false)]
public partial class SomeView : MvxWpfView<ViewModels.SomeViewModel>
    public SomeView()
         if (!(ViewModel is ViewModels.SomeViewModel))
              if (Mvx.IoCProvider.TryResolve<ViewModels.SomeViewModel>(out var someViewModel))
                   ViewModel = someViewModel;
              var _viewModelLoader = Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve<IMvxViewModelLoader>();
              var request = new MvxViewModelInstanceRequest(typeof(ViewModels.SomeViewModel));
              request.ViewModelInstance = _viewModelLoader.LoadViewModel(request, null);
              ViewModel = request.ViewModelInstance as ViewModels.SomeViewModel;

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