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Generate JSON log from NGINX-1.14.0



I added these two modules and followed the instructions.But I am still getting plain text logs.

Any idea for other solutions to log in JSON format from nginx or any changes in above two solutions?

Please paste your nginx.conf file also.

here it is what you want.

worker_processes  4;
events {
    worker_connections  102400;
http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout  65;
    log_format post_json escape=json $request_body;
    server {
        listen       8080;
        server_name  localhost;
        location /log_json {
            return 200;
        location / {
            if ($request_method != POST) {
                return 404;
            access_log /usr/local/var/log/nginx/log_json.log post_json;
            proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/log_json;
    include servers/*;

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