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Using MouseDown with SuperCollider: non-GUI implementation

I want to use MouseDown in SuperCollider and am having a helluva time. Is it the case that only mouseDownAction actually works with anything? I want to be able to click anywhere on the screen, and have the mouse coordinates print, eg, to the post window:

s.mouseDownAction = { x = {|t_poll=0| var x_val, y_val;
    x_val = {MouseX.kr};
    y_val = {MouseY.kr};
    Poll.kr(t_poll, [x_val, y_val], ["x_val", "y_val"]);

}.play };
s.mouseUpAction = { x.set(\t_poll,1) };

Of course, this does not work, because mouseDownAction seems reserved as a property of the 'View' class ie only clicking within a specific window, as the below working [albeit not quite what I want] code:

w = Window.new("Mouse Coordinates", Rect(1300,600,50,50));
b = Button.new(w,Rect(10,10,40,25)).states_([["off"],["on"]]);
b.mouseDownAction = { x = {|t_poll=0| var x_val, y_val;
    x_val = {MouseX.kr};
    y_val = {MouseY.kr};
    Poll.kr(t_poll, [x_val, y_val], ["x_val", "y_val"]);
}.play };
b.mouseUpAction = { x.set(\t_poll,1) };

Some things I want to know:

  1. Can I modify the first snippet to actually work?
  2. Is there a way to get MouseDown to work to give me these coordinates as I click anywhere on the screen?
  3. How can I figure out how to 'get' the mouse coordinates (calling on which functions [already tried 'output', 'postln', &.c])?


There is a Ugen for the mouse button https://doc.sccode.org/Classes/MouseButton.html

This is the example from the linked helpfile:

SynthDef( \mousexyb, { |out=0|
    var mousex, mousey, mousebutton;
    mousex = MouseX.kr( 500, 1000 ); // this will determine the frequency of the sound (minimum value, maximum value, warp, lag)
    mousey = MouseY.kr( 0, 0.3 ); // this will determine the amplitude of the sound
    mousebutton = MouseButton.kr( 0, 1, 2 ); // this will turn the sound on or off (minimum value, maximum value, lag)
    Out.ar( out, SinOsc.ar( mousex, 0, mousey ) * mousebutton );

What you could do is have the server generate an OSC message when the button is pressed and have the language listen for that.

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