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How to debug jsoncpp in eclipse

I'm using jsoncpp library in my cpp project on eclipse IDE, and I'm using a lot of Json::Value objects in my application. When debugging my program, I can't see the real content of the Json::Value objects on the watch window, I can only see some info on the object (such as minInt, maxInt...).

When I put object.toStyledString() in the watch, I can see a part of the real content but not the whole thing.

I know that there's a debug helper for Visual Studio for this, but nothing for eclipse.

Any Idea?

PS: I have an old Eclipse (Kepler), "Max Length" option on the Expressions/Variables windows doesn't work.

Json::Value root;

std::string strJson = root.toStyledString();
std::cout << strJson << std::endl;

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