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Mssql encoding problem with special characters

We are using the node-mssql package to insert into and read out of our azure mssql database. The database is very simple, because it is just used as a key/value cache, where the value can be quite long and also contain special characters.

DB Schema:

create table cache
    id       int identity
        constraint cache_pk
            primary key nonclustered,
    cacheKey varchar(500),
    ttl      bigint,
    value    varchar(max)

create index cache_cacheKey_index
    on cache (cacheKey desc)

create index cache_ttl_index
    on cache (ttl)

For some reason, when I insert values into "value", some special characters are not treated well.

Dash – example

turns into:

Dash  example

I have seen the same thing happening with the french apostrophe. I also tried to change the collation already, but that did not help. Also tried it by using nvarchar(max) as column type.

This is the insert code (including the sql):

  const result = await conn.request()
                      .input('key', mssql.VarChar, key)
                      .input('value', mssql.Text, value)
                      .input('ttl', mssql.BigInt, cacheEndTime)
                      .query`INSERT INTO cache (cacheKey, value, ttl) VALUES (@key, @value, @ttl)`;

Can you please help with a correct table structure or sql statement to make this work?

I'm not sure if can help you, but have you checked the collation of the table, the database, and the server? The collate have differents levels.

The answer for your question are in one of this items:

  • Server collation
  • Table collation
  • Field collation
  • Cast the insert text

For example, if you create nvarchar (I recommend if you have international scenario) field, cast the text insert like N'text to insert'.

It will work;)

I have found the answer. Like @RealSeik and @Larnu already stated it was probably not a problem with the database or the queries themselves, but rather an input problem.

I realized, that node-sass has a type for Unicode text, where they took care of casting it correctly. So instead of mssql.Text I changed it to mssql.NText .

So now the insert command looks as follows:

  const result = await conn.request()
                      .input('key', mssql.VarChar, key)
                      .input('value', mssql.NText, value)
                      .input('ttl', mssql.BigInt, cacheEndTime)
                      .query`INSERT INTO cache (cacheKey, value, ttl) VALUES (@key, @value, @ttl)`;

I have also added collations to my other scripts, for good measure as well. (that alone did not help, but for good measure)

    COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC_UTF8 ;  
    create table cache
        id       int identity
            constraint cache_pk
                primary key nonclustered,
        cacheKey varchar(500) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC_UTF8,
        ttl      bigint,
        value    varchar(max) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AI_SC_UTF8
    create index cache_cacheKey_index
        on cache (cacheKey desc)
    create index cache_ttl_index
        on cache (ttl)

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