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IP address string extraction not working in Python3

When attempting to extract the IP address from an 'ifconfig' command in Python3, I recieve the error:

File "testingCode.py", line 28, in ip = ip_string.strip().split(" ")[1:] TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

I'm not sure what is wrong because the code works in Python2, however when I switch to Python3, I get this error. I attempted to switch the.strip() command to.decode() and the program runs but doesn't output anything as the IP address from ifconfig is'nt found. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.


import subprocess
import os

def bash(command):
    return subprocess.check_output(['bash', '-c', command])

def nmap_scan(ip):
    print(("Scanning TCP ports on %s" % ip))
    res = bash('nmap -T4 -p1-65535 | %s grep "open"' % ip).splitlines()
    ports = []

    for port in res:

    port_list = ",".join(ports)
    print("\nRunning intense scan on open ports...\n")
    bash('nmap -T4 -A -sV -p%s -oN output.txt %s' % (port_list, ip))
    print("Nmap intense scan  results logged in 'output.txt'")

ip_string = bash('ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet "')

ip = ip_string.strip().split(" ")[1]

print(("Your IP Address is: " + ip + "\n"))

octets = ".".join(ip.split(".")[:-1])
subnet = octets + ".0/24"
print(("Running netdiscover on local subnet: %s" % subnet))

ips = bash('netdiscover -P -r %s | grep "1" | cut -d " " -f2 ' % subnet).splitlines()
for i in range(0, len(ips)):
    ip = ips[i]
    print(("%s - %s" % (i + 1, ip)))

choice = eval(input("\nEnter an option 1 - %s, or 0 to exit the script:\n" % len(ips)))
nmap_scan(ips[choice - 1])

Your problem is a the fact that, when you execute something in a process, the communication is usually in bytes. Because of that the type of ip_string is bytes, not string. Try ip = ip_string.decode("utf-8").strip().split(" ")[1] . It creates a string from the bytes and splits that with the substring " " . If you for some reason wnat to have ip in bytes you can use ip = ip_string.decode("utf-8").strip().split(" ")[1].encode("utf-8") . This returns you the bytes, but I doesn't recomend it, because __getitem__ works different with bytes as with strings. For example "Hello"[0] is not H , its the byte number of H .

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