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how can i convert a string with + and \n to an object in javascript?

This is my input and I want a function for converting it to an object:

var filecontent = "22,david\n" + "25,jack\n" + "19,jason\n" + "18,peter\n";

How can I convert it to this object?

let obj = {

try this

var filecontent = "22,david\n" + "25,jack\n" + "19,jason\n" + "18,peter\n";

replace all , and \n to make it a json format

filecontent = filecontent.replaceAll(",",'":"').replaceAll("\n",'","')

remove the extra characters from the string

filecontent= filecontent.substring(0, filecontent.length - 2);

add the missing {" , } to make a valid json


the using JSON.parse to convert the string to obj

var obj = JSON.parse(filecontent);

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