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boto3, python: appending value to DynamoDB String Set

I have an object in DynamoDB:

{ 'UserID' : 'Hank', ConnectionList : {'con1', 'con2'} }

By using boto3 in lambda functions, I would like to add 'con3' to the String Set. So far, I have been trying with the following code without success:

ddbClient = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = ddbClient.Table("UserInfo")
        "UserId" : 'Hank'
    UpdateExpression = 
        "SET ConnectionList = list_append(ConnectionList, :i)",
    ExpressionAttributeValues = {
        ":i": { "S": "Something" }

However, no matter the way I try to put the information inside the String Set, it always runs error.

Since you're using the resource API, you have to use the Python data type set in your statement:

        "UserId" : 'Hank'
    UpdateExpression = 
        "ADD ConnectionList :i",
    ExpressionAttributeValues = {
        ":i": {"Something"},  # needs to be a set type

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