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Python script not executing pickle.load when called from nodejs app

I have an nodejs app which calls python script from a controller. Scripts run fine when I run from terminal directly and works fine as well when called from node app but it only stucks on this specific line model = pickle.load(open("model.pkl", "rb")) . Any help would be appreciated.


import sys
import json
import pickle
import os

def get_size(weight, height, age):
  model = pickle.load(open("model.pkl", "rb"))
  return model.predict([[height,weight,age,bmi]])[0]
calculated_size = get_size(69,167,26)


const scriptPath = path.dirname(require.main.filename) + '/python-scripts/predict.py';
const pythonProcess = spawn('python', [ scriptPath, 'user_inputs', JSON.stringify(results) ], {cwd: path.dirname(require.main.filename)+'/python-scripts'});
pythonProcess.stdout.on('data', async (data) => {


Fixed by changing python version in spawn:

const pythonProcess = spawn('python3', [ scriptPath, 'user_inputs', JSON.stringify(results) ], {cwd: path.dirname(require.main.filename)+'/python-scripts'});

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