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How can I lookup a Java enum from its String value?

I would like to lookup an enum from its string value (or possibly any other value). I've tried the following code but it doesn't allow static in initialisers. Is there a simple way?

public enum Verbosity {


    private static Map<String, Verbosity> stringMap = new HashMap<String, Verbosity>();

    private Verbosity() {
        stringMap.put(this.toString(), this);

    public static Verbosity getVerbosity(String key) {
        return stringMap.get(key);

Use the valueOf method which is automatically created for each Enum.

Verbosity.valueOf("BRIEF") == Verbosity.BRIEF

For arbitrary values start with:

public static Verbosity findByAbbr(String abbr){
    for(Verbosity v : values()){
        if( v.abbr().equals(abbr)){
            return v;
    return null;

Only move on later to Map implementation if your profiler tells you to.

I know it's iterating over all the values, but with only 3 enum values it's hardly worth any other effort, in fact unless you have a lot of values I wouldn't bother with a Map it'll be fast enough.

You're close. For arbitrary values, try something like the following:

public enum Day { 


    private final String abbreviation;

    // Reverse-lookup map for getting a day from an abbreviation
    private static final Map<String, Day> lookup = new HashMap<String, Day>();

    static {
        for (Day d : Day.values()) {
            lookup.put(d.getAbbreviation(), d);

    private Day(String abbreviation) {
        this.abbreviation = abbreviation;

    public String getAbbreviation() {
        return abbreviation;

    public static Day get(String abbreviation) {
        return lookup.get(abbreviation);

with Java 8 you can achieve with this way:

public static Verbosity findByAbbr(final String abbr){
    return Arrays.stream(values()).filter(value -> value.abbr().equals(abbr)).findFirst().orElse(null);

@Lyle's answer is rather dangerous and I have seen it not work particularly if you make the enum a static inner class. Instead I have used something like this which will load the BootstrapSingleton maps before the enums.

Edit this should not be a problem any more with modern JVMs (JVM 1.6 or greater) but I do think there are still issues with JRebel but I haven't had a chance to retest it .

Load me first:

   public final class BootstrapSingleton {

        // Reverse-lookup map for getting a day from an abbreviation
        public static final Map<String, Day> lookup = new HashMap<String, Day>();

Now load it in the enum constructor:

   public enum Day { 
        MONDAY("M"), TUESDAY("T"), WEDNESDAY("W"),
        THURSDAY("R"), FRIDAY("F"), SATURDAY("Sa"), SUNDAY("Su"), ;

        private final String abbreviation;

        private Day(String abbreviation) {
            this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
            BootstrapSingleton.lookup.put(abbreviation, this);

        public String getAbbreviation() {
            return abbreviation;

        public static Day get(String abbreviation) {
            return lookup.get(abbreviation);

If you have an inner enum you can just define the Map above the enum definition and that (in theory) should get loaded before.

And you can't use valueOf() ?

Edit: Btw, there is nothing stopping you from using static { } in an enum.

In the Java Language Specification 7 there is an a example ! that reflects your question on initialization of the map with self-references.

In case it helps others, the option I prefer, which is not listed here, uses Guava's Maps functionality :

public enum Vebosity {

    private String value;
    private Verbosity(final String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String getValue() {
        return this.value;

    private static ImmutableMap<String, Verbosity> reverseLookup = 
            Maps.uniqueIndex(Arrays.asList(Verbosity.values()), Verbosity::getValue);

    public static Verbosity fromString(final String id) {
        return reverseLookup.getOrDefault(id, NORMAL);

With the default you can use null , you can throw IllegalArgumentException or your fromString could return an Optional , whatever behavior you prefer.

since java 8 you can initialize the map in a single line and without static block

private static Map<String, Verbosity> stringMap = Arrays.stream(values())
                 .collect(Collectors.toMap(Enum::toString, Function.identity()));
public enum EnumRole {

ROLE_ANONYMOUS_USER_ROLE ("anonymous user role"),
ROLE_INTERNAL ("internal role");

private String roleName;

public String getRoleName() {
    return roleName;

EnumRole(String roleName) {
    this.roleName = roleName;

public static final EnumRole getByValue(String value){
    return Arrays.stream(EnumRole.values()).filter(enumRole -> enumRole.roleName.equals(value)).findFirst().orElse(ROLE_ANONYMOUS_USER_ROLE);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(getByValue("internal role").roleName);


Perhaps, take a look at this. Its working for me. The purpose of this is to lookup 'RED' with '/red_color'. Declaring a static map and loading the enum s into it only once would bring some performance benefits if the enum s are many.

public class Mapper {

public enum Maps {

    COLOR_RED("/red_color", "RED");

    private final String code;
    private final String description;
    private static Map<String, String> mMap;

    private Maps(String code, String description) {
        this.code = code;
        this.description = description;

    public String getCode() {
        return name();

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public String getName() {
        return name();

    public static String getColorName(String uri) {
        if (mMap == null) {
        if (mMap.containsKey(uri)) {
            return mMap.get(uri);
        return null;

    private static void initializeMapping() {
        mMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (Maps s : Maps.values()) {
            mMap.put(s.code, s.description);

Please put in your opinons.

If you want a default value and don't want to build lookup maps, you can create a static method to handle that. This example also handles lookups where the expected name would start with a number.

    public static final Verbosity lookup(String name) {
        return lookup(name, null);

    public static final Verbosity lookup(String name, Verbosity dflt) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
            return dflt;
        if (name.matches("^\\d.*")) {
            name = "_"+name;
        try {
            return Verbosity.valueOf(name);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return dflt;

If you need it on a secondary value, you would just build the lookup map first like in some of the other answers.

You can define your Enum as following code :

public enum Verbosity 
   private int value;

   public int getValue()
     return this.value;

   public static final Verbosity getVerbosityByValue(int value)
     for(Verbosity verbosity : Verbosity.values())
        if(verbosity.getValue() == value)
            return verbosity ;

     return ACTION_NOT_VALID;

   public String toString()
      return ((Integer)this.getValue()).toString();

See following link for more clarification

您可以按照上面 Gareth Davis 和 Brad Mace 的建议使用Enum::valueOf()函数,但请确保您处理了IllegalArgumentException ,如果使用的字符串不存在于枚举中,则会抛出该异常。

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