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Running a file inside a folder that contains string in autohotkey

I need to run a file inside a folder that always changes a version. I tried Run "E:\Test. \TestScript.exe" While Test. is physically Testv1.22 But obviously I need a regex command to run it and i have no idea how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.

I first looped through all of the exes in the directory provided ( E:\Test\ ).

Next, I used RegExMatch on the current file name of the current iteration of the loop as the haystack, and Testv.*Script.exe as the needle.

This needle will allow for file names of the format "Testv"+[any combination of characters]+"Script.exe" to be accepted as matches.

If it gets a match, then I run the full path of the current file, launching the exe.

Final code:

Loop, Files, E:\Test\*.exe
    ;MsgBox %A_LoopFileName% ;uncomment to see the file currently being iterated
    if(RegExMatch(A_LoopFileName, "Testv.*Script.exe")){
        run %A_LoopFilePath%

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