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How do I convert array of Objects from an API Response into an object

I have an a JSON response from an API service below

data = [{
                id: 'event-1',
                title: 'All Day Event',
                start: '-01T14:30:00',
                end: '-02T14:30:00',
                className: "bg-danger",
                description: 'Aenean fermentum quam vel sapien rutrum cursus. Vestibulum imperdiet       finibus odio, nec tincidunt felis facilisis eu. '
                id: 'event-2',
                title: 'kiniko',
                start: '-01T14:30:00',
                end: '-02T14:30:00',
                className: "bg-success",
                description: 'Vestibulum imperdiet finibus odio, '

How can ii convert it to only object or extract the object?

example is below

convertedObject = {
                id: 'event-1',
                title: 'All Day Event',
                start: '-01T14:30:00',
                end: '-02T14:30:00',
                className: "bg-danger",
                description: 'Aenean fermentum quam vel sapien rutrum cursus. Vestibulum imperdiet finibus odio, nec tincidunt felis facilisis eu. '
                id: 'event-2',
                title: 'kiniko',
                start: '-01T14:30:00',
                end: '-02T14:30:00',
                className: "bg-success",
                description: 'Vestibulum imperdiet finibus odio, '

In the convertedObject variable, the [] array should be gone leaving only the object {}.

Thanks guys!

You can simply access the 0th index of the returned result, which will help you in getting only the object.

let data = [{ ...your data }]
let obj = data[0]

The object is simply the first item in the array so you should be able to reference it with a simple [0] :

const object = data[0];

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