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LWJGL natives os + JPMS + GRADLE

ERROR: UnsatisfiedLinkError

[LWJGL] Failed to load a library. Possible solutions:
    a) Add the directory that contains the shared library to -Djava.library.path or -Dorg.lwjgl.librarypath.
    b) Add the JAR that contains the shared library to the classpath.
[LWJGL] Enable debug mode with -Dorg.lwjgl.util.Debug=true for better diagnostics.
[LWJGL] Enable the SharedLibraryLoader debug mode with -Dorg.lwjgl.util.DebugLoader=true for better diagnostics.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Failed to locate library: lwjgl.dll
    at org.lwjgl/org.lwjgl.system.Library.loadSystem(Library.java:162)
    at org.lwjgl/org.lwjgl.system.Library.loadSystem(Library.java:62)
    at org.lwjgl/org.lwjgl.system.Library.<clinit>(Library.java:50)
    at org.lwjgl.glfw/org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.<clinit>(GLFW.java:674)
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

I tried to had/implement the java platform module system to one of my projects and this linking error had me. The following lines are build script and the module-info src code.

lib module: buld.gradle .kts

import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.support.unzipTo

plugins {
group = "com.moc"
version = "0.0"
java {
repositories {
val nativesClasses: Configuration by configurations.creating {
    isTransitive = false
tasks.register("unzips") {
    nativesClasses.asFileTree.forEach {
        unzipTo(File("${buildDir}/libs/natives"), it)
dependencies {

    implementation(fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl.jar") )
    implementation(fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl-glfw.jar") )
    implementation(fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl-assimp.jar") )
    implementation(fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl-opengl.jar") )

    runtimeOnly( fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl-natives-windows.jar" ) )
    runtimeOnly( fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/wjgl-glfw-natives-windows.jar" ) )
    runtimeOnly( fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl-assimp-natives-windows.jar" ) )
    runtimeOnly( fileTree("hard-typed/path/for/the/lwjgl-3.2.3/lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows.jar" ) )
tasks.test {

app module: build.gradle .kts

plugins {
group = "com.moc"
version = "0.0"
java {
application {
tasks.withType<JavaExec> {
        "hard-typed/path/of/natives-os/lwjgl;" +
                "hard-typed/path/of/natives-os/opengl;" +
                "hard-typed/path/of/natives-os/glfw;" +
                "hard-typed/path/of/natives-os/assimp" )
repositories {
dependencies {

lib & app module: module-info .java

module moc.lib {
    requires org.lwjgl.glfw;
    requires org.lwjgl.opengl;
    requires org.lwjgl.assimp;
    exports com.moc;
module moc.app {
    requires moc.lib;

> How do we link this natives os to our project by using a gradle build script and without any external plugins?

I tried this one and it's working but somehow I feel this is not the right way?

tasks.withType<JavaExec> {
    val lwjgl = System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath", "../libs/natives"
    systemProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath", System.getProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath") )
repositories {

And try this one for the application extension

val lwjgNativesProp : String? = System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypathz", "../libs/natives")

application {
    applicationDefaultJvmArgs = arrayListOf("-Dorg.lwjgl.librarypath=${System.getProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypathz")}")

tasks.withType<JavaExec> {
    lwjglNativesProp?.let { systemProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath", it) }

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