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Java applet with JOGL and/or LWJGL - with natives for every OS

I am currently developing an applet for some OpenGL ES stuff but I am absolutely unsure how I can handle the natives that comes with JOGL and/or LWJGL.

LWJGL has a nice applet loader which can load jars (containing the natives) over the internet. The advantage of LWJGL is, that it has only on native pack for each platform and not one for 32bit and 64bit. Disadvantage is, that LWJGL doesn't support OpenGL ES, it just supports OpenGL (correct me if I am wrong).

So I plan to use the applet loader from LWJGL but implementing the OpenGL ES with JOGL. The big disadvantage is here, that I have no idea how I can change the natives for 32bit and/or 64bit. The applet loader just takes one jar for the natives and the natives have the same name, so I can't create a bundle which has 32bit ans 64bit support.

Trying to run the 32bit natives on my 64bit Ubuntu doesn't work, it crashes with the error of a wrong header in the files... so wrong version, I guess.

I have no idea how I can solve this problem.

您可以在http://jogamp.org上找到一个带有JOGL 2简短说明的示例: http : //jogamp.org/jogl-demos/www/applettest-jnlp.html (如果您愿意,本地lib部署基本上是自动处理的使用提供的jnlp)

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