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Create a new column based on Condition in Spark Dataframe

I am trying to create a new column in Dataframe DF based on condition

Here is my dataframe DF

|     DiffColumnName|   Datatype|
|              COUNT|IntegerType|

and Array of String having column names( this is not constant and can be changed)

val diffcolarray = Array("ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME", "COUNT")

I want to create a new column in DF based on a condition that if columns present in diffcolarray is also present in Dataframe's column DiffColumnName then yes else no.

I have tried below options however getting error

val newdf = df.filter(when(col("DiffColumnName") === df.columns.filter(diffcolarray.contains(_)), "yes").otherwise("no")).as("issue")

val newdf = valdfe.filter(when(col("DiffColumnName") === df.columns.map(diffcolarray.contains(_)), "yes").otherwise("no")).as("issue")

Looks like when comparing there is datatype mismatch.Output should be something like this. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thank you

|     DiffColumnName|   Datatype|   Issue  |
|  DEST_COUNTRY_NAME| StringType|   NO     |
|ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME| StringType|   NO     |
|              COUNT|IntegerType|   YES    |

This can give you the desired output.

df.withColumn("Issue",when(col("DiffColumnName").isin(diffcolarray: _*),"YES").otherwise("NO")).show(false)

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