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Remove empty double quotes from string javascript

Hello so I'm trying to clean a json string that i have for example:

      " .tagline-wrapper ":{
         " padding-top":"398px",
         " font-size":" 1.8rem",
         " "
      ".tagline ":{
         " padding-top":"398px",
         " font-size":" 1.8rem",
         " ",
         " padding-top":"398px",
         " font-size":" 1.8rem",

I need to remove the double quotes that are empty or with white space it could have multiple white space, i tried to remove consecutive white space and then replace the quotes as so:

                str = str .replace("\" \"",'');
                str = str .replace("\"\"",'');

but nothing works, i should also remove the comma but i guess i can remove consecutive commas ignoring white space but if you can help with that too that would be great. The output that i need is:

" .tagline-wrapper":{
         " padding-top":"398px",
         " font-size":" 1.8rem",
         " padding-top":"398px",
         "font-size":" 1.8rem",
         " padding-top":"398px",
         " font-size":" 1.8rem",

so that i can parse the json

Why not use regex to search for a " followed by any number of whitespace followed by a " " followed by an optional comma?

 const str = ` ".tagline-wrapper ":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", " " }, ".tagline ":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", " ", }, ".wrapper":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", "" },`; console.log(str.replace(/"\s*",?/g, ''))

I clean your string and try to apply JSON.parse to convert it to an object.

Noted : replaceAll is available in Nodejs 15.x.

 const str = `".tagline-wrapper ":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", " " }, ".tagline ":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", " ", }, ".wrapper":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", "" },`; const cleanStr = "{" + str.replaceAll('" ', '"').replaceAll(' "', '"').replaceAll('""', "").replaceAll(",\n,", ",\n").replaceAll(",\n\n}", "}").replaceAll(",\n \n}", "}").slice(0, -1) + "}"; console.log(cleanStr); const object = JSON.parse(cleanStr); console.log(object);

Try this code it may help you

 function convertJSON(string) { string = string.replaceAll('"', "'"); string = string.replaceAll(/(\n\s*)/g, ''); string = string.replaceAll(/(,?\n?\s?'\s*',?)/g, ""); string = string.replaceAll(/},$/g, "}").replaceAll("'", '"'); let parsedJSON = null; try{ parsedJSON = JSON.parse(`{${string}}`); } catch{ console.log(string); } return parsedJSON; } let str = `".tagline-wrapper ":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", " " }, ".tagline ":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", " ", }, ".wrapper":{ " padding-top":"398px", " font-size":" 1.8rem", "" },`; console.log(convertJSON(str))

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