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How can I create multiple windows in winui 3.0?

I would like to have a button that creates another window. I'm building off the template app you get in VS2019 Preview So far, I've created a new control BlankWindow, just the default one. I can see that in App::OnLaunched, a window is created with:

window = make<MainWindow>();

So in my MainWindow.xaml.cs in my button click method, I put:

Window bWindow= make<BlankWindow>();

That doesn't build, I check the BlankWindow.idl file and see that BlankWindow inherits from Controls and not Windows, so I change it. Now it builds, but when I click the button in the MainWindow, I see the window flicker open and instantly close. What's going on?

Work on multi-window applications is ongoing. It's available as a Preview feature.


You can find the solution to this problem in the definition of the Window Class for the Windows UI Library (WinUI) under the subtitle "Create a new Window on a new thread". To put the section in context it would help to read the entire webpage. It's not that long.


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