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How can I convert from bytes to binary numbers in Python?

So I'm a total Python beginner and I got this byte object:

byte_obj = b'\x45\x10\x00\x4c\xcc\xde\x40\x00\x40\x06\x6c\x80\xc0\xa8\xd9\x17\x8d\x54\xda\x28'

But I have no idea how to put this in a binary number, I only know it's gonna have 32 bits.

You could try int.from_bytes(...) , documented here eg:

>>> byte_obj = b'\x45\x10\x00\x4c\xcc\xde\x40\x00\x40\x06\x6c\x80\xc0\xa8\xd9\x17\x8d\x54\xda\x28'

>>> int.from_bytes(byte_obj, byteorder='big')

Where byteorder is used to specify whether the input is big- or little-endian (ie most or least significant byte first).

(Looks a bit bigger than 32 bits though!)

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