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Unicode characters not working in kivy python

I want to use unicode symbols for text in buttons, but kivy does'not want to show it.

Like this:

self.add_widget(KeyboardButtonOthers(text = u'\u232B', size_hint = (1/7, 0.2)))
#Here I use Sans font

Or this:

    text: '⌂ Exit'
#Here I use default Roboto kivy font

In both cases nothing works. Instead normal symbols I getting this: Sans font

And this: Roboto font

I work under Windows, but I plan to install the project on Linux. Maybe they will work on Linux and this is a Windows problem? Thanks for help.


I found a good solution for my case without using unicode symbols. If you need something like this you can try this:

    background_color: (0, 0, 0, 0)
            rgba: (166/255, 166/255, 166/255, 1) if self.state == 'normal' else (80/255, 80/255, 80/255, 1) 
            pos: self.pos
            size: self.size
            radius: [5]
        source: 'images/clear2.png'
        size: self.parent.size
        y: self.parent.y
        x: self.parent.x
        allow_stretch: True

Clear2 is vector icon from here https://icons8.com/icons/set/clear

Unicode text can only display characters that are available in the font.

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.lang.builder import Builder

KV = """
            text: u'\u00A9 ' + chr(97)
            text: u'\u00B6 ' + chr(100)

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Builder.load_string(KV)

if __name__ == '__main__':

kivy Label

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