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Why does the C# 'is' operator give a correct result when comparing two boolean values and should I use it?

Id noticed that this is operator produces the same results and even compiles the same (see this gist ) as the == operator. Is this a correct usage of the is operator given that I can only see things related to runtime type-testing in the docs?

bool test = false;

// some code


if(test is false)
// some code

Yes, it's completely valid - it's a constant pattern . In that sense, it's "correct". It's not an implementation detail or bug on the part of the compiler.

It's fairly unconventional to use it this way within an if statement though - constant patterns are more commonly used in switch statements or expressions.

They're not completely equivalent though. Pattern matching with is doesn't perform custom conversions on the left-hand side of the is operator. So take this example:

using System;
using System.Text;

struct MyBool
    public bool Value { get;}
    public MyBool(bool value) => Value = value;
    public static implicit operator bool(MyBool value) => value;

class Test
    static void Main()
        MyBool x = new MyBool(true);
        // Valid: uses the implicit conversion from MyBool to bool
        Console.WriteLine(x == true);
        // Invalid
        Console.WriteLine(x is true);

The error message for the last statement is perhaps a little confusing:

error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'bool' to 'MyBool'

That's due to this part of the constant pattern behaviour :

When the input value is not an open type, the constant expression is implicitly converted to the type of the matched expression; if the type of the input value is not pattern-compatible with the type of the constant expression, the pattern-matching operation is an error.

Interestingly, if you add a conversion from bool to MyBool , the error changes:

error CS0150: A constant value is expected

But fundamentally it's not valid, anyway.

It is valid, because it is part of pattern matching feature. But as @Jon Skeet already answered, it is not conventional to use it to check equality with bool variables. In C# 9, it's common use case is checking multiple conditions at once, like

int x = Random.Next(50);
if (x is >5 and <17)
//do something

It's syntactic sugar mostly though.

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