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Set formula for Computed column of PostgreSQL table in Entity Framework Core

I have a simple model with Id and a json property and a computed column which is value of 'tile' key in the json column

public class Book 
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string JsonInfo { get; set; }

    public string Title { get; set; }

in the configuration I set the way which the value of Title is caculated:

    builder.Property(t => t.Title).HasComputedColumnSql("(\"JsonInfo\"->>''title'')", stored:true).HasColumnType("varchar(150)");

the migration is build without problem, but unfortunately the database update ends with an error:

42601: syntax error at or near "title"

The problem is within the "(\\"JsonInfo\\"->>''title'')" that how the title is escaped. How can i fix it?

Just to mention, i use latest version of PostgreSQL

You shouldn't be escaping the title with twice single-quotes; the SQL you give to HasComputedColumnSql isn't a text literal, it's actual SQL. So the following should work:

.HasComputedColumnSql("\"JsonInfo\"->>'title'", stored: true)

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