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Geting result from json or jsonb result from stored procedure with Dapper and Postgresql in C#

I have this stored procedure in database :

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sources_v2.sp_test(INOUT out_param_text text DEFAULT ''::text, INOUT out_param_json json DEFAULT '{}'::json, INOUT out_param_jsonb jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $procedure$
    out_param_text := 'Hello World !';
    SELECT to_json('{"Hello": "World"}'::text) INTO out_param_json;
    SELECT to_jsonb('{"Hello": "World"}'::text) INTO out_param_jsonb;
END; $procedure$

I called it like this:

DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters();
parameters.Add("out_param_text","", DbType.String, ParameterDirection.InputOutput);
parameters.Add("out_param_json", new JsonParameter("{}"), null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput);
parameters.Add("out_param_jsonb", new JsonBParameter("{}"), null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput);

result = _DbRepositoryCommon.execStoredProcedure<DataListReturnModelRepository<T>>("sp_test(:out_param_text, :out_param_json, :out_param_jsonb)", parameters);

and in _DbRepositoryCommon :

public T execStoredProcedure<T>(string spxName, DynamicParameters dyParams)
    T result = default(T);

    using (IDbConnection connection = GetConnection)
        if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

                connection.Query($"call sources_v2.{spxName}", dyParams);
            catch (Exception ex)

            var toto = dyParams.Get<string>("@out_param_text");
            result = returnObjectFromDynamicParameter<T>(dyParams, "returndata");


    return result;

As you can see, I have no problem to get out_param_text as string, the problem is if I do the same process on out_param_json or out_param_json_b their value are "{}"

So what am I doing wrong?

the solution is to pass null to jon and jsonb param as value like this:

parameters.Add("out_param_json", null, null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput);

parameters.Add("out_param_jsonb", null, null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput);

And to get the return data like this :

var toto = dyParams.Get<dynamic>("@out_param_text");
var toto = dyParams.Get<dynamic>("@out_param_jsonb");

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