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Windows defender operational event log not updating

for some reason, the windows defender event log, as visible through the Windows Event Viewer application has stopped receiving new events. Previously, Windows Defender Antivirus would log events under Applications and Services Logs->Microsoft->Windows->Windows Defender/Operational. There, I could see when a scan started, completed, found/responded to malware, and other events.

However, starting a little over a month ago, the log in Event Viewer was no longer listed under its previous location and was instead directly inside the Application and Services Logs folder with the name "Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational". In addition to this location change, no actions taken by Windows Defender are being added to this file. A screenshot of the where the event-log is currently

One thing that I considered is that there may have been some Windows Defender update that changed how it handled logging, however, this change in behavior has only happened on a couple of laptops I've checked, while others still operate as before. This is problematic for me since an application I am working on listens and responds to this event log, so while other machines are still functioning correctly, the app on my laptop and others with a similar issues can no longer respond to antivirus events. Does anyone know why my Windows Defender has stopped updating this log, and if there is a way to fix that?

Apologies if this post was considered off topic for stack overflow. I'll link a similar post I made afterwards on the Microsoft forum: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/protect_defender-protect_scanning-windows_10/windows-defender-operational-event-log-not/6f180580-15d8-4c31-b6ea-8aa9c2ae31fb

It seems that there were some problematic entries I could see in the registry editor. Deleting those seems to have resolved my issue.

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