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Oculus application enable mode developper for oculus quest 2

I'm facing a really weird bug in oculus application for android devices. I have 6 oculus devices and I'm developing a project using unreal engine 4 everything was normal until sudelly my oculus device all of them refuse to connecr with UE4 or even side quest ( no device found showing in side quest) i tryied to install and desinstall th ADB but always showing the same problem no divices found I did a lot of research and the only solution is to enabled the mode developper in oculus app ( I enable ot the first time I connecr to the occlus App for the 6 devices ) I open the app but I could'nr find the mode developper at all it was there like 2 days ago and now it's gone I try older verson I install it in different verson of phone but I get nothing please dose anyone face this problem before or have no idea because I'm stuck in this for a while and couldn't continue developing my game Ps : I tried to factory reset all the occulus device and create new account with facebook connect it to tha oculus App but still the same problem没有开发者模式的 oculus 应用程序图片

I had a similar problem where I couldn't find the developer mode option in the headset settings of my Oculus app on my iPhone. I saw the pinned comment on this video which said that as of Feb 2021, Oculus requires developers who have an Oculus developer account to verify their accounts using their credit/debit card. I went to my Oculus account, profile>payment methods. I then added my credit card and now the Developer mode option appears on my phone app! Turn this on and if you do adb devices on your terminal your quest headset should show up.

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