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Replace string in array loop

what's the best way to loop through array of strings and replace values using regex? Array looks like this:

['./content1/App.js', './sample2/App.js', './exam/App.js']

i need to generate new array with values:

['content1', 'sample2', 'exam']

You can make use of regex here /(?<=\.\/)[^\/]+/

 const arr = ["./content1/App.js", "./sample2/App.js", "./exam/App.js"]; const result = arr.map((s) => s.match(/(?<=\.\/)[^\/]+/)[0]); console.log(result);

If the data item pattern is same then you can try:

 var data = ['./content1/App.js', './sample2/App.js', './exam/App.js']; var res = data.map(i => i.split('/')[1]); console.log(res);

Using the map method of the Array prototype this can be achieved.

 let newArray =['./content1/App.js', './sample2/App.js', './exam/App.js'].map((string)=>{ // code to replace string //return the modified string })

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