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Comparing a string to a .txt file

I have posted a question earlier about reading a string element in browser history, but now I realized I need to compare the elements of that string file to an external.txt file. Here is what I've done using.

from browser_history.browsers import Chrome

f = Chrome()

outputs = f.fetch_history()

string1 = str(outputs.histories)

file1 = open("grey.txt", "r")

readfile = file1.read()

if string1 in readfile:
    print("NAH FAM")


I have the word google in the.txt file. I know google.com is in the string outputted by the browser-history module.

if 'google' in str(outputs.histories):

That line of code prints true, however using an external text file does not seem to work.

I agree with @inteoryx in the comment.

I think the problem is with the whitespaces. When you load a external file as string, the whole line is selected.

Moreover, I think there is an error in this too, `

if string1 in readfile :

it should be done like this:

if readfile in string1:

You should do something like this:

from browser_history.browsers import Chrome

f = Chrome()

outputs = f.fetch_history()

string1 = str(outputs.histories)

file1 = open("grey.txt", "r")

readfile = file1.read()

readfile = str(readfile)
readfile = readfile.strip()

if readfile in string1:
    print("NAH FAM")


EDIT: for multiple checks it can be done like this:

from browser_history.browsers import Chrome

f = Chrome()

outputs = f.fetch_history()

string1 = str(outputs.histories)
count = 0

file1 = open("grey.txt", "r")

readfile = file1.read()

readfile = str(readfile)
readfile = readfile.strip()

read = readfile.split(',')

for i in read :
    if i in string1:
        count = count+1

if count == len(read) :
    print("True" , len(read))
else :
    print("NAH FAM")


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