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Regex to remove HTML Tags, empty lines and blank spaces in sql query

I have a table that has a column feeback which is a free text from front end. This column has values like -

-Agent was listening and very attentive.

Agent showed all the houses and gave the right description

Agent was well versed & knew how to speak multiple

-<p>Agent was well dressed for the event</p>

Since this is copy pasted, there are many spaces or empty lines between two lines sometiems that comes in the backend.

I want to remove all these and show the output like -

-Agent was listening and very attentive.
Agent showed all the houses and gave the right description
Agent was well versed & knew how to speak multiple
-Agent was well dressed for the event

For this I use the below query -

select REGEXP_REPLACE(regexp_replace(  regexp_replace(
        Replace LF followed by any non-printable sequence that ends with newline
        with single newline
      chr(10) || '[^[:graph:]]*(' || chr(13) || '?' || chr(10) || ')',
      chr(10) || '\1'
    /*Then replace newline repetitions*/
    '(' || chr(13) || '?' || chr(10) || ')+',
  ),'<.*?>'),'&nbsp;') as feedback
  from dual;

Is there any way I can merge these regex_replace and not use multiple regex_replace to cater to my requirement?

Not all, but those that replace to nothing can be combined with regex OR |

And better replace those first then.
As removing them could cause extra empty lines.

   , '(&nbsp;)|(<[/[:alpha:]]+>)|([[:space:]]+$)','',1,0,'m') 
   , '(['||chr(13)||']?['||chr(10)||']){2,}','\1') as feedback
from your_table;

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