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How to get the custom attribute of a const string contained in struct in static class

I search a solution to get the custom attribute of a const string by the value of this const string. Like this example:

public static class Directory
    public struct Bank01
        public const string Value01 = "Bank01.Value01";
        public const string Value02 = "Bank01.Value02";
    public struct Bank02
        public const string Value01 = "Bank02.Value01";
        public const string Value02 = "Bank02.Value02";

    public static SymbolAttribute GetSymbolAttribute(string value)
        return typeof(Directory)

I want use this function like this:

public static Main()
        SymbolAttribute attribute = GetSymbolAttribute(Directory.Bank01.Value01);

I don't understand why this one work:

return typeof(Directory.Bank01)

And this one doesn't work:

return typeof(Directory)

Do you have an idea? Thank you in advance..

Bank01 and Bank02 are not members, they are nested classes, so you should use GetNestedType instead.


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