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removing a particular pattern from a given string in python

i would like generate the following output from the string "[cid:12d32323232dde]foo foo foo \r\n\r\n\r\n[cid:123fsr3ef234fsdfere]\r\n"

expected output

foo foo foo \r\n\r\n\r\n

So - remove all [cid:...] blocks and any newlines/carriage-returns trailing them?

>>> import re
>>> s = "[cid:12d32323232dde]foo foo foo \r\n\r\n\r\n[cid:123fsr3ef234fsdfere]\r\n"
>>> re.sub(r"\[cid:(.+?)\][\r\n]*", "", s)
'foo foo foo \r\n\r\n\r\n'

You can try this regex search

import regex as re

x = r"[cid:12d32323232dde]foo foo foo \r\n\r\n\r\n[cid:123fsr3ef234fsdfere]\r\n"

re.search("\]([^]]+)\[", x)[1]
  1. First we will import the regex

  2. We will make the string - raw string

    x = r"" -> the r before the string -> we will get the next result with raw string foo foo foo \r\n\r\n\r\n -> we will get the next result without raw string foo foo foo...
  3. We do a regex search to get text between ] and [, the re.search method return a match object, the match object contains 2 items.

     re.search("\]([^]]+)\[", x)[0] -> first one with ] and [ re.search("\]([^]]+)\[", x)[1] -> second one without ] and [

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