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error serializing dict to json and writing to bigquery

This is the dictionary I have

my_dict1 = {'jobId': dict_values(['banned_phrase_model_', 'spica_4', 'spica_create_event1',  'spica_create_event2'])}

And I am trying insert this dictionary into bigquery table after serializing to json using the code below.

from google.cloud import bigquery
import json
from pydantic.json import pydantic_encoder
client1 = Clients.get_client(ClientType.BIGQUERY, name='x')
toJSON = json.dumps(my_dict1, default=pydantic_encoder).encode("utf-8")
data = json.loads(toJSON)
err1 = client1.insert_rows(table,[data])

The table in bigquery is one column jobId (STRING). The error I am getting is "TypeError: Object of type 'dict_values' is not JSON serializable". I tried using the function in the stackoverflow link as well. How to serialize Python dict to JSON Still it did not work. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

The error is because python doesn't know how to represent SomeObject.

In this case you can validate the format of my_dict1. You can see this example


Another option is to verify the type of the table schema in this case is STRING, for this field should be RECORD type or REPEATED .

You can see this example:

 - id
 - first_name
 - last_name
 - dob (date of birth)
 - addresses (a nested and repeated field)
   - addresses.status (current or previous)
   - addresses.address
   - addresses.city
   - addresses.state
   - addresses.zip
   - addresses.numberOfYears (years at the address)

The JSON looks like this

{"id":"1","first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","dob":"1968-01-22","addresses":[{"status":"current","address":"123 First Avenue","city":"Seattle","state":"WA","zip":"11111","numberOfYears":"1"},{"status":"previous","address":"456 Main Street","city":"Portland","state":"OR","zip":"22222","numberOfYears":"5"}]}

{"id":"2","first_name":"Jane","last_name":"Doe","dob":"1980-10-16","addresses":[{"status":"current","address":"789 Any Avenue","city":"New York","state":"NY","zip":"33333","numberOfYears":"2"},{"status":"previous","address":"321 Main Street","city":"Hoboken","state":"NJ","zip":"44444","numberOfYears":"3"}]}

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