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No reply data with QNetworkAccessManager when running on another machine

I have a simple program that should retrieve the HTML from a website URL.


#include "Downloader.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    auto dl = new Downloader(&a);
    QString url = "https://www.dognow.at/ergebnisse/?page=1";
    return a.exec();



#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QObject>

class Downloader : public QObject
        explicit Downloader(QObject* parent = nullptr);
        void fetch(QString &url);

        QNetworkAccessManager* m_manager;
    private slots:
        void replyFinished(QNetworkReply* rep);
#endif // DOWNLOADER_H


#include "Downloader.h"
#include <QDebug>

Downloader::Downloader(QObject* parent): QObject(parent),
    m_manager(new QNetworkAccessManager(parent))

void Downloader::fetch(QString& url)
    qDebug() << "fetch " << url;
    connect(m_manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this,  &Downloader::replyFinished);

void Downloader::replyFinished(QNetworkReply* rep)
     QByteArray data=rep->readAll();
     QString str(data);
     qDebug() << "data len: " << str.length();

When I run the program on my local PC it works fine. When I run it on another machine the reply data is empty. On both systems I use Linux (x86_64) and Qt 5.15.0.

I hope someone can give me a hint where I should have a look at.

UPDATE: 2022-04-04 - 16:22: when I run a simple curl command on the failing machine it works fine.

Ok, I found the problem. On the failing machin I have an older ubuntu (16.04 LTS) running with an incompatible openssl version. I found it out because I copied my own Qt libs build (debug) to the other machine and I got SSL error (incompatbile version). I installed a newer openssl version and know it works.

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