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KubeCTL with Postgres query doesn't work and throws "LINE 1: select * FROM "employees" where employeeData::text like someSampleHere;"

The field employeeData is of type json .

Consider the query:

select * FROM "employees" where employeeData::text like '%someSampleHere%'

When I'm running the query inside Postgres it works perfect and I get the rows that I'm asking for.

However when I use it with KubeCTL and running this query outside of the PG App

psql -d employess_db -U postgres -c 'select * FROM "employees" where employeeData::text like 'someSampleHere';'

PG throws

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "%"
LINE 1: select * FROM "employees" where employeeData::text like %someSampleHere%;

How can we fix it?

Sounds like a quoting problem to me. You neglected to show your actual kubectl command line in your question, but this works for me without any errors:

kubectl exec postgres-pod -- psql -U postgres -d employees_db \
  -c "select * from \"employees\" where employeeData::text like '%someSampleHere%'"

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