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Convert Dictionary<int, string> to strongly typed class ICollection Using AutoMapper

I working on .NET CORE 6 application. I have Dictionary<int, string> that I need to convert to an ICollection of class object. I have create separate profile class; refer below. However I am getting error.

Error mapping types.

Mapping types:
List`1 -> ICollection`1

System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e],[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, 
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]], 
System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, 

Entity Class

 public class AIMSchema
    public DateTime TransactionDate { get; set; }
    public string MachineCode { get; set; }

AutoMapper profile

public class AIMConfigProfile : Profile
    public AIMConfigProfile()
        CreateMap<Dictionary<int, string>, AIMSchema>()
            .ForMember(dest => dest.TransactionDate, opt => opt.MapFrom(source => source.ContainsKey(1)))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.MachineCode, opt => opt.MapFrom(source => source.ContainsKey(2)))

Calling from class to covert dictionary data...

var ff = _ambientState.Mapper.Map<ICollection<AIMConfigProfile>>(filteredStructuredData);

From what I understand you have a dictionary with specific entries containing the machine code and transaction date(and by your example you know the keys which correspond to these). Here's one way to do it.

IMapper mapper = new MapperConfiguration(opts =>
    opts.CreateMap<Dictionary<int, string>, AIMSchema>()
        .ForMember(x => x.TransactionDate, op => op.PreCondition(x => x.ContainsKey(1)))
        .ForMember(x => x.TransactionDate, op => op.MapFrom(x => DateTime.Parse(x[1])))
        .ForMember(x => x.MachineCode, op => op.PreCondition(x => x.ContainsKey(2)))
        .ForMember(x => x.MachineCode, op => op.MapFrom(x => x[2]));

List<Dictionary<int, string>> data = new()
        {1, "2022-01-01" },
        {2, "code foo" }
        {1, "2022-02-01" },
        {2, "code bar" }

ICollection <AIMSchema> result = mapper.Map<List<Dictionary<int, string>>, List<AIMSchema>>(data);

foreach (var item in result)

And this is my output: 结果证据

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