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Have a button table instead of a lot of variables

Novice in pyhton AND Raspberry prog, i want to create a Quizz-buzz Game. Up to 8 players can play it.

To catch the event when a button is pressed, (using the gpiozero lib) i want to do something like:

buttons = [Button(4), Button(5), Button(6), ....]
buttons.when_pressed = lambda : buttonpressed(buttons.buttonPressedIndex)

Rather than

button1 = Button(1)
button2 = Button(2)
button3 = Button(3)

button1.when_pressed = lambda : buttonpressed(1)
button2.when_pressed = lambda : buttonpressed(2)

Is it possible to do something like this? How can i know which index of my array are trigger?

Have a nice day

  1. You can move the when_pressed initialization to Button's constructor.
  2. You can declare a list of buttons: buttons = [Button(i) for i in range(N)]
    and then set their when_pressed function like that: for button in buttons: button.when_pressed = lambda: buttonpressed(button.buttonPressedIndex)

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